Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer's End

I had to drag myself to this lap top and throw my hands on to the keyboard.

Student teaching is kicking my butt.  Seriously.

I love what I'm doing, I love my students, I love the school.  But it is not easy having to work all day, come home to care for a husband and daughter AND fit in a night full of homework.  Not easy at all.  I kick myself for not doing this the "right way" when I was in my early 20s.  Kinley will learn from this lesson, that's for sure.

It's only two weeks in and I've fallen behind.  Probably because I am catching every cootie that those kids can carry.  I had a cold all week and now it feels like another bug is coming on.  I can't catch a break.

Kinley is adjusting more to her full time day care schedule.  Drop-off isn't nearly as dramatic this week as it was last week.  And pick-up is so happy.  She runs to my arms and gives me the biggest hug and tells me all about her day. 

I'm sure that day care workers tell all of the parents these kinds of things, but today they went on and on about how advanced Kinley is for her age.  Her language, identifications and signing amazes them.  I think my head swelled a bit when they were comparing her to the other little girl her age that goes there.  I'm so proud of my peanut!  They said she's the smallest in size but the biggest in ability.  Go Kage!

I took her to the pool after school today to get our last swim in for the season.  I couldn't help but think of the little girl I'll be walking to the pool next summer.  She'll probably be potty trained, talking up a storm about anything and everything and that sweet gibberish that she speaks now, will be a distant memory.  She won't slow down to take the step down from the curb and she won't hesitate for a second when getting into the pool.  I imagine she'll be jumping in feet first!  Her tiny pink Crocs that made it all summer with room to grow and that tiny bumble bee swimming suit will probably be much too small....

But without a doubt, the pride in my heart will still be overflowing.

Lucy is teaching her how to be a champion beggar.

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