Monday, July 18, 2011

Last night, in our home...

When we put Kinley to bed, one of us holds her in our arms, and says the prayers.  The other parent, strokes her hair and kisses her head during the prayers.

And lately, this is how it has been going:
Now I lay me, down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my soul to keep.  And if I die, before I wake, I pray the Lord, my soul to take.
God bless, mommy, daddy and Lucy.  (and Woocy?--yes baby, and Lucy)
God bless Nonie and Papa and Papa John. (and Woocy?--yes baby, and Lucy)
God bless Grandma and Grandpa. (and Woocy?--yes baby, and Lucy)
God bless Gigi and Papa.  (and Woocy?--yes baby, and Lucy)
God bless Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.  (and Woocy?--yes baby, and Lucy)
God bless all of my aunts and uncles and all of my cousins.  (and Woocy?--yes baby, and Lucy)
And God bless all of my friends.  (and Woocy?--yes baby, and Lucy)
Melts my heart.  She loves that silly dog.


Amanda said...

Too cute! Nothing comes between a girl and her dog.

Amanda said...

As for the blog critique, it was a link up at For The Love of Blogs;

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