Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Splish, Splash

As if I weren't excited enough about moving, and saving $300 per month on rent, I became even more overjoyed this evening when I got the email notices of my auto-delivery utility bills.  Our gas bill in this place this month is $185.  And our electric....$205.  Absolutely ridiculous.  This place is SO energy UN-efficient, it makes me sick.  I can't wait to get out of here. 
We were quoted that the utilities in the new place run between $100-$125 a month TOTAL.  Talk about a savings!  Sign me up!  Oh wait, I already did sign up.

Today after school, I picked up Kinley at daycare and she was sleeping under the coffee table.  It was the cutest thing!  She never passes out like that at home so it just melted my heart to see that she played till she passed out.  Love that girl!

We went to the grocery store afterwards and I decided to splurge on a 6-pack of Corona.  While we normally don't drink beer or keep it in the house, I was just wanting a cold beer tonight.  So I grabbed the 6 pack and the lime and the other things on the list and headed to the check out.  And, I was carded.  Made me so happy. 

And then, I came home, unloaded the groceries, nursed Kinley, and started dinner.  Had all of the ingredients put it and ready when it was time to add the one cup of sour cream, which I had just purchased, and when I casually ripped off the lid (expecting that plastic seal on the inside) sour cream when splashing EVERYWHERE.  It wasn't actually sour cream.  More like sour milk.  And it went everywhere.  I wanted to scream.  It was in every crevice, every cabinet, drawer.  Ugh.  So up went the baby gate and down on the floor I went to clean the sour mess.  I managed to call the husband on his way home from work to pick up another container.  As I was cleaning the mess, I kept reminding myself that I only had a few more days in this place.  I really dislike it here.  Can you tell?

So, I guess that's all that is on my mind.  I have a board game to create for my Social Studies methods class.  I'm kind of excited to make it.  Okay, so I'm super excited to make it.  This is totally my kind of thing.  It's due on the 10th so I had better get a move on.

Kinley, where did your ponytail go?
And why not another music video from one of my latest favorites?  This song is so awesome.  Love, love, love it.

1 comment:

Heather said...

so happy for you to be moving to a place that you you will love! Kinley is so cute, when we come visit her and Parker are going to be car seat twins!! lol

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