Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back to school, back to school

Back To School
Back To School
To Prove To Dad That I'm Not A Fool
I've Got My, Lunch Packed Up
My Boots Tied Tight
I Hope I Don't Get In A Fight
Back To School
Back To School
Back To School
-Adam Sandler in Billy Madison-

I survived.  And Kinley survived.  We survived.

Tonight, I'm drained.  Exhausted at a new level that I vaguely remember from Kinley's first few weeks.  I'm tired.

We were up till eleven last night, getting my books ready, packing my school supplies (like a five-year-old, I tell ya) and then packing up all of Kinley's supplies. 

Kinley decided to have a 2 a.m. date for nursing and then I was up at 4:30 with that persistant alarm.  Ugh.  I was able to get ready and out the door only a few minutes late.  My husband took Kinley to daycare for me to save me some time.  We had to run out and buy a car seat for his truck last night since he'll be splitting the pick-up and drop-off duties with me.

Class was good.  Seems a bit more difficult than I remember, but then again, I'm very much out of practice.   But man, my passion was ALIVE with the talk of classroom rules and procedures and lesson plans and those little tricks that work so well at getting through to those little minds.  I'm so ready to be back and I'm so ready to get done!

I arrived on campus about a half hour early.  Which turned out to be good because the parking lot and walkway was a thin layer of ice.  Obviously, I arrived earlier than the salt scatter-outer did and therefore, the ice was still very slick.  So I slid my way through the parking lot and up to the doors, praying that my hooker boots wouldn't go flying up and over my head as I slipped and wiped it on my way in.  I didn't though, the hooker boots stayed firmly on the ground.  I made it safely.  I confidently walked through the main building on my way up to the third floor where the education wing is located.  I took the stairs because "I guess I should just work on getting myself some exercise while I'm at this whole school thing" and ummm, yeah, three flights of stairs kicked my butt.  I was huffing and puffing by the time that I made it up.  With my baby-blue back pack on my back and my green plaid lunch bag (told you, five-year old) in hand, I was on a mission.  I had to find room D2447.  I walked around and around and around and couldn't find the room!  Duh Joy, you were on D3, not D2.  So I guess the class isn't in the Education wing after all.  That's dumb.  So I took the elevator (see, I'm getting smarter already!) to the second floor and found my class.

Lucky me, I arrived to the classroom at the exact time as one of my professors did.  The professor that I had the last time that I was in this Lab.  Oh joy.  She didn't remember me.  Obviously.  Thank God. 

The next person to walk through the door was a very familiar face.  It was a girl that I was in Intro to Teaching with about four years ago.  We hugged and were so happy to see each other.  It was a breath of fresh air to see a familiar face.  And shock my socks, here comes *another* girl from my Intro group!  There were three of us that were "left behind" and getting back into the flow of things.  Looks like I'm not alone.

The day was long.  The assignments have already accumulated and it seems as though I'm already behind even though I know that I'm not.

It's going to be a great semester, I will keep telling myself that, anyway.  I'm not a fan of the commute, but it's do-able.

Kinley did fabulous at day-care, despite the short nap and the random outbursts of screaming.  (Teething maybe?)  Two more days this week and then I get a break.  It's hard getting back out there after being at home for 13 months!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Glad you had a great first day!!

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