I haven't been able to blog, let alone breathe, for the last year. I was in the crunch of student teaching and then my first teaching job and it really left not much else. I spent every available moment with my family. I guess that worked because over the weekend I realized that it was the anniversary (that isn't even the right word) of the weekend when I thought I hated my husband. Yes, that's right. One year ago, Memorial Day weekend, I thought that I was done with him. Ready to hit the hills and start anew.
So much can change in a year. And luckily, that phase in life passed. And we are quickly approaching the days when I realized that it was worth staying and it was worth fighting for....and maybe we'll celebrate.
I wish that I could fill in all of the gaps between now and then, but I would be crazy to try. A day hasn't gone by that I didn't think of a blog that I wanted to publish. And at the same time, I feel like I need to retrain myself on blog writing. Who knows if I even "have it" anymore....is it like riding a bike?
Are the readers still there?
My last day of school is Monday the 4th. Kinley's last day of day care is on Friday the 8th. I am taking 4 days of a mommy vacation, of sorts. I am going to be reading (I have a whole pile of books to get to) and blogging. Oh, I can't wait to sit and write for a whole day. And read! I have so many blogs to catch up on!
I hope that you're still along for the ride, it's far from over!