Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Saving Grace and Paying It Forward **Give-Away**

Posting my story about our marriage struggles makes me feel pretty vulnerable.  Putting it "out there" for all to see and all to's a risky move.  But I always said that this blog would be my place.  It would be my platform.  It is my blog.  And my marriage is part of me.  I feel like it may just help someone to know that they aren't alone in the struggle.  And it helps me to be able to look back and see what progress I may or may not be making.  But I don't regret posting our story.  I don't regret putting it out there.  And I am so very thankful for the messages and comments that were left to tell me that I'm not alone and that we aren't the only ones fighting the battle to survive marriage hardship.
But one person in particular sent me a message with such kind words and advice...and a book recommendation to help me get through this very hard time. 

She has become my angel in disguise! 

I've always had a love for reading (English concentration in college) and reading a good self-help book is candy for my soul.  And just the other day when I was out in the backyard tanning during K's nap, I wished that I had a good book to enjoy.

And now I do.

I ran out immediately and got the book that "my angel" suggested to me.  I sat in the Starbucks inside the bookstore and drank an iced caramel macchiato and dived in.  Oh my goodness....the author wrote this book for me.  She wrote it about me.  She wrote it for us.

Okay, so she didn't.  But it's so well written and so me that it seems like she did. 

It's going to be my saving marriage's saving grace.

It's giving me a new outlook.  A renewed spirit.  Another chance.  It's giving my family another chance.

And because it is such an amazing book, I went out and bought another copy.  And I want to share it with you.  Even if your marriage is perfect in good health, I think you'll benefit from what she has to say.  And if you're like us, having some rough times, I think you'll benefit from what she has to say.  If you are married, you will benefit from what she has to say.

From her website:
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands

In her most provocative book yet, Dr. Laura urgently reminds women that to take proper care of their husbands is to ensure themselves the happiness and satisfaction they yearn for in marriage.
Women want to be in love, get married, and live happily ever after. Yet disrespect for men and disregard for the value, feelings, and needs of husbands has fast become the standard for male-female relations in America. Those two attitudes clash in unfortunate ways to create struggle and strife in what could be a beautiful relationship.
Countless women call Dr. Laura, unhappy in their marriages and seemingly at a loss to understand the incredible power they have over their men to create the kind of home life they yearn for. Now, in The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands , Dr. Laura shows you—with real-life examples and real-life solutions - how to wield that power to attain all the sexual pleasure, intimacy, love, joy, and peace you want in your life.
Dr. Laura's simple principles have changed the lives of millions. Now they can change yours.
 If you would like the opportunity to read and learn from this book (as I am), here's your chance to do so (for free, anyway--feel free to buy your own copy from your local bookstore or  To win your copy of The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Laura Schlessinger, just do the following:

Leave one comment per entry:
1.  Tell me something that you love about your husband (or wife--if there are any guy readers out there!).
2.  "Like" LivingOnTrees on Facebook (links are to the right or straight on top)
3.  "Follow" LivingOnTrees on Twitter (links to the right and on top)
4.  "Tweet" about the giveaway on Twitter including a link to this posting.
5.  Post on Facebook about this giveaway including a link to this posting.
6.  Become a "fan" and follow this blog on blogger.  (link to the right)
7.  Blog about this give-away including a link to this posting.

That gives you up to seven entries!  Dang-o, dang-o!

The give-away will end on Friday, July 15th at 5:00 p.m. CST.  At that time, a winner will be chosen using  Make sure that your email is attached to your profile or listed on your entry to ensure that I can reach you if you are the lucky winner!
Open to U.S. residents only.


beachbride0507 said...

I love that my husband can make me laugh. said...

I love everything about her. Her caring, her smile & the fact we can talk about anything openly. That she loves me as well as life.

mverno said...

i love that i have the love and devotion of a great and caring man who actually listens to me

mverno said...

i like living on trees on facebook susan v

slb3334 said...

He is always willing to listen.

Unknown said...

I love this! So much to learn...

Bethany said...

I love that my husband busts his butt everyday for us and then still comes home and helps me with Carder!

Bethany said...

I liked Living on Tree!!!

Bethany said...

I posted a link to your giveaway on my facebook!!

Amanda said...

I love that when I'm upset, my husband can always find a way to make me laugh!

Amanda said...

I like ya on Facebook.

Amanda said...

I stalk you on Twitter!

Amanda said...

I have linked the giveaway to Facebook!

Amanda said...

I tweeted the giveaway!

Amanda said...

I've been a "Fan" since Day 1!

Renee G said...

I love that my husband is 100 percent honest.

KowgirlsRule said...

I love that my husband listens to me and is truly interested in what happens during my day.

5webs said...

I love that he married me ! I admire him so much (he is one of those guys that I NEVER would have stood a chance with in high school), and the fact that he fell in love with and married me is a huge ego boost. I try to live up to his example.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I like you on FB (Alicia Webster)
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I follow you on Twitter(5webs)
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I shared on FB!/permalink.php?story_fbid=182445125148256&id=100002241793158
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I follow you on GFC(5webs)
Alicia Webster

Amanda said...

I love how my husband always knows just what to say to make me laugh... especially when I'm having a rough day.

Amanda said...

...and I became a follower, cause I like you :)

Anonymous said...

I love that he can look into my son's eyes and see him as his own son and would give his life for him. I love that he gets up every day and faces the challenges of the day with a smile knowing that he is working hard to make our future brighter. And I love knowing that through all the rough patches that we face daily he is still my best friend and at the end of the day the small stuff is what makes our family stronger.

April said...

Liked Living on Trees on FB

Anonymous said...

I love that my husband has the kindest heart. hanovertomato at yahoo dot com

Misusedinnocence said...

THe thing I love about my fiancee is how perfectly we balance each other. I feel like anything is possible when I'm with him.

susan1215 said...

I love that my husband is such a hard worker so I can stay home with our children

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

Like you on FB Susan Smith

susansmoaks said...

i love that my husband is always there for me even when times are tough, we know how to make each other smile when there's nothing to smile about
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Melissa B. said...

I love that my husband gets all my jokes.

cman said...

He's the most awesome man i've ever known. He's smart, funny and a wonderful husband and father.

cman said...

Now following GFC (Gianna).

/\Heather/\ said...

I love that he is a go-getter in life. He wants to get us up and out of the house and into the world out there! He will just say, hey, get ready to go somewhere, and he'll take us out to bird watch. So unexpected and nice.
heatherpooh (hotmail)

/\Heather/\ said...

Tweeted -!/choochoo428/status/91985563938324481
heatherpooh (hotmail)

Anonymous said...

He has great lips!

Anonymous said...

I love that my husband is my best friend.

Anonymous said...

I like Living On Trees on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

I became a fan and follow this blog with Google Friend Connect.

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